One day in about the year 95 A.D., a man named John had a vision from heaven. The book of Revelation is John's record of that vision (Revelation 1:9-11). John was a Christian leader of Jewish origin who was in exile on the Roman prison island of Patmos. We don't know why John was exiled to Patmos, but it may have been for refusing to worship the Roman emperor Domitian, who had declared himself a god. Tradition says John the apostle (Mark 3:14-19) was the author of both Revelation and the Gospel of John, but that is not certain. The author does not identify himself as an apostle.
The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath (15:1 - 16:21)
John sees seven angels with seven gold bowls filled with God's wrath. The angels pour out the bowls one at a time upon the earth.
First bowl (16:2): Ugly sores break out on those who had worshipped the beast.
Second bowl (16:3): The sea turns to blood and all sea life dies.
Third bowl (16:4-7): The rivers and springs turn to blood.
Fourth bowl (16:8-9): The sun was given the power to burn people with fire.
Fifth bowl (16:10-11): The kingdom of the beast was plunged into darkness.
Sixth bowl (16:12-16): The great river Euphrates dried up. The kings of the world assemble for battle at the place named Armageddon.
Seventh bowl (16:17-21): An earthquake split the great city into three parts. Huge hailstones rained down on the people.
The Seven Trumpets (8:6 - 11:19)
As each of the seven trumpets is blown, a plague is unleashed upon the earth.
First trumpet (8:7): Hail and fire mixed with blood burns a third of the land.
Second trumpet (8:8-9): A third of the sea is turned to blood and a third of sea life is killed.
Third trumpet (8:10-11): A third of all fresh water is poisoned.
Fourth trumpet (8:12-13): A third of the sun, moon and stars became dark. An eagle cries "Woe to the inhabitants of earth."
Fifth trumpet (9:1-12): Locusts that sting like scorpions invade the land.
Sixth trumpet (9:13-21):