Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a novel presenting a fictional world where animals can communicate with each other and act like humans. Animal farm is a book concerned about the politics of leadership and the rise of fall of great leaders; also the events surrounding the Animal Farm are mirrored to the events that took place during the Russian Revolution. There is also a relevance and resemblance of the occurrences in the book with the operations of a business and business communication.
Within the content of the book, there were many parallels identified that existed with business communication, such as the various methods used to communicate with the animals on the farm such as meetings, written communication, debates and committees. Also, the communication channels used to communicate externally between the animal farm and the outside world, such as the use of word of mouth from Mr. Whymper as the messenger and the receiver, also the pigeons was used as messengers to spread news to other farms in England. Furthermore, technology was witnessed to prevail at the end of the story, as a source of progress in Animal Farm such as installing a telephone and subscribing to magazines. Animal farm also portrayed a comparison between the leadership approaches of human with that of the pigs that controlled the farm.
In Animal Farm, old Major the boar on the Manor Farm, called the animals for a meeting and made a speech, Major explained to the animals that they are enslaved and exploited, and that man is to blame. Old Major was a visionary leader, he communicated his vision and mission clearly to the animals and stated that ‘Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy’. Old Major instructed the animals ‘that in fighting against man we must not come to resemble him’, ‘Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices’. Major also outlined the seven commandments that the animals followed which stated that, no animal must ever live in a house, sleep in
References: Bovee,L.C. & Thill,V.J. (2010) Business communication today 10th Edition, Prentice Hall: Pearson Jacob, (2008) The satire of animal farm by George Orwell. Hubpages. Retrieved October 3rd, 2012, from http:/ Orwell, G. (1961) Animal farm a fairy story. Penguin Books: Penguin Group What is business communication. Retrieved October 3rd. 2012, from http:/ Yemenicis,A. (Jan30th, 2008) Animal satire in animal farm. Theorwellreader, Retrieved Oct 3rd,2012,from htpp:/