Book Review
The book The Seven Whispers by Christina Baldwin is a guide to help people re-connect or stay connected to the spiritual world, the Divine, as she calls it. Baldwin says we all have a longing for something greater than ourselves, a need to connect with the Divine. She believes that people can change the direction of the course of history by being open to receiving messages of larger wisdom from the Divine. She has received seven directions, or as she calls them, Whispers of Spiritual Common Sense. They are maintain peace of mind, move at the pace of guidance, practice certainty of purpose, surrender to surprise, ask for what you need and offer what you can, love the folks in front of you, and return to the world. The first direction is peace of mind. Baldwin says that this is the “cornerstone of spiritual life”. For us to hear the spiritual messages being sent all the time we must have a clean slate to listen. It’s the state of being receptive. Usually our minds are filled with the chaos of the day, and the many voices our minds listen to such as critic, judge, victim, doubter, and encourager. We need to be able to quiet these voices and let go and be in each moment. How we get to there can look different for everyone. Some might go for a run, a quiet walk in the woods, devotional readings, or mediation. One suggestion is deep breathing. Slow, deep conscious breathing as you focus on letting go and being in the moment. This will help prepare you for the day and be open to listening to the Divine messages. The second direction is move at the pace of guidance. The world we live in is full of distraction and expects us to move a very fast speed, always thinking of the next thing we need to do. This pace makes it impossible to be fully present in the moment. Achieving this direction will allow us to listen and wonder what message the Divine is trying to convey. Life is not about lists and getting
Bibliography: Balwin, C. (2002). The Seven Whispers. Novada: New World Library.