Chapter 1
The first chapter in this book by Dale Carnegie, he wanted us to come with one thing, although he gave many examples like poems and incidents that happened between people he started the book by using a personal example. The letter was used to explain and easily catch our attention because ultimately he made that personal connection which puts us at the same level as everyone else. Making it seem a possible thing to be yourself rather than making it seem like you need a PhD to become yourself.
Chapter 2 This chapter outlines four main habits that can help ease and remove the stress out of the environment. The first habit that is mentioned is that you should “Clear your desk of all paper except those related to the immediate problem at hand”, this is eliminating any distractions from the worker as they will not be bothered with unnecessary items such as papers. The second habit that should be implemented is to “Do things in the order of their importance. What Carnegie is saying here is that one has to prioritize the jobs or the tasks that need to be completed. The third habit that should be implemented according to this book is that “when you face a problem, solve it, then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. Do not keep putting off decisions. Carnegie is not only alluding to making decisions but he is also talking about procrastination. He wants end procrastination because that drags situations and tasks to a point where you do not want to do then anymore. The last and final habit is to “learn to organize, deputize, and supervise”. Here Carnegie is wrapping the last three habits into this one. He says that being organized does not only mean having a schedule but also in the workplace, you are sitting in; alluding to the first habit.
Chapter 3
In this chapter, Carnegie explores what can make someone tired and what they can do to get rid of this laziness. His number one argument