On the day of her brother’s funeral Liesel “stole” her first book. This book was titled “The Grave Digger’s Handbook”. Hans and Liesel became very close over the years. At first Liesel was very hesitant about asking for help and talking to her foster parents. She would have nightmares about her brother, but Hans …show more content…
would always be there to calm her down. Her “papa” (Hans) found the book Liesel stole under her mattress. They both began to read the book. Hans soon realized Liesel didn’t know how to read very well. Instead of giving up Hans taught her to read and write and they mastered the art of reading and writing together.
The day of the Fuhrer's birthday, Liesel stole another book called “The Shoulder Shrug” and she met another woman. That woman soon became her friend, the lady’s name was Ilsa Hermann and she was the mayor’s wife. They hadn’t spoken to one another, but the woman had seen Liesel stealing a book from the bonfire. It was made of burning books that were related to a Jew in any way. At this time Germany was under the orders of Hitler and he wanted to kill all the Jews. Rosa Hubermann or Mama assigned Liesel to deliver the washed and dried clothes to the mayor’s house. This was when Ilsa and Liesel first met there wasn’t much talk between the two. Liesel just did what she was told to do, deliver the clothes and get the money. One day the young girl was invited into the mayor’s house, by Ilsa and brought into the library where she read many books. Hard times came fast and Ilsa had to fire Rosa because of the troubles with the economy. Liesel got into a huge fight with Ilsa that day when she came to deliver and read. Ilsa gave Liesel a book as apologies called “ The Whistler” She cursed at Ilsa and through the book at her because Liesel didn't want to accept a book given to her out of pity. Liesel was told she could return to the library to read but she couldn't bring herself to go back after how she yelled at the woman. She still wanted to finish that book she threw at Ilsa. The curiosity on what the book is about got to her, so when she saw an opening to get the book she did and that's when her name was made official and she was known as “the book thief”.
The great Rudy Steiner, he was Liesel’s neighbour and he became her best friend. He admired Leisel the day he met her. Rudy was the boy who gave Liesel the name “the book thief”. All Rudy wanted was to be as fast as Jesse Owens and a kiss from Liesel Meminger. Her life was adventurous and fun because of Rudy he always knew how to keep her mind off of the troubles in her life. She was his favourite and he was hers.
Before Hitler ruled over Germany, Hans was one of the soldiers that fought in world war 1 at the age of twenty two. Erik Vandenburg was a German Jew. Erik is the reason why Hans Hubermann didn’t die in World War 1. The day of battle one soldier would have to stay back and help write letters. Erik volunteered Hans to stay and it is great that he did because if Hans had went out into battle death would have definitely found him. After the war Hubermann was sent back home, he was to tell Erik’s wife about the death of her husband. Hans made a promise that if they need anything or a paint job he is always there to help, he gave the woman his address and number. It didn’t seem to help a the time but that time came around when Hitler became ruler and began to destroy the Jews. Erik’s son Max was born shortly after the death of him. Several years after when Hitler became the leader, soldiers came to attack and kill the Jews there was an escape route but only one person could go. Max was a young but mature man. His mother gave him no choice and forced him to go and leave her. Erik’s wife gave Max the address and number to the Hubermann’s home. Luckily when Max arrived no nazi soldier saw him. The Hubermann’s kept there promise and by risking their own life they hid him in the basement. Max was lucky Hans didn’t join the Nazi party but Hans chose not to because a Jew is why he is alive and joining the party would require killing innocent Jews. Max was a young and kind Jewish man.
At this point Max and Liesel became very good friends he used to listen and watch her read. They would talk to one another about their nightmares and the books they’ve read. Around this time Liesel became very quiet and didn’t speak to Rudy much. However Max could not stay for long. When Hans shows sympathy for a Jew publicly he fears the Nazi’s will find him and not only take him but the Hubermann’s whole family too. Max then leaves a note saying “ you’ve done enough”. Liesel is devastated by the news. In fear of being taken away Hans applies to join the army to protect his family. Around the same time a soldier comes to talk to the steiners about sending Rudy to Hitler youth camp. Alex Steiner (Rudy’s Dad) does not want to send Rudy because he knows the dangers of Hitler Youth. Mr. Steiner volunteers himself instead of Rudy and the soldier accepts and sends Alex to battle as punishment for not sending Rudy. In addition to Rudy’s papa being sent to war, Hans gets accepted into the Nazi party. They are both sent to battle. This leaves Rudy, Liesel, Rosa, and Mrs.Steiner very angry and depressed. Hans gets his leg injured badly and is sent back to Himmel Street to continue his clean up duty there. Liesel and Rosa are overjoyed. Rudy still patiently waits for his father to come back.
Even though it seemed impossible Liesel began to hate and love the impact of words. Later one day Liesel had gone to sneak into Ilsa’s library and read. While she was reading began to think of how much she despises words because words are what made Hitler powerful and words are why everyone hates the Jews. So Liesel lost control and began to rip pages out of a book. She leaves Ilsa a letter saying she will not be coming back again as punishment to herself even though not hearing all these words help her too. Liesel apologises for the mess she made and leaves once and for all. Three days later Ilsa shows up at 33 Himmel Street to give Liesel a present. It was a black book with empty pages. Ilsa gave it to Liesel because Ilsa could tell how good she was at writing, after reading the letter she wrote.
Later that night Liesel’s goes in her basement to start writing her book.
She title it “ The Book Thief”. She is clueless on what to write about but she just follows through. The story starts with the passing of her brother and the first book she stole called “The Grave Digger’s Handbook”. She writes ten pages a night for ten days. October 1943, the bomb hit Himmel Street. The sirens were too late and Liesel meminger was the only survivor because she was in the basement, editing her book. That day she lost her parents Hans and Rosa. Rudy her best friend was gone as well. She could not believe what she saw. Liesel finally granted Rudy’s wish it was too late but she still kissed him. Everyone on Himmel street perished except for The Book
She had dropped her book in shock,
Ilsa Hermann arrived at the station and took Liesel to her home. Liesel only had Ilsa left Max was still gone. Alex steiner was sent home after the air raid he was very miserable because he had left to protect Rudy and his family but they all died anyway. In 1945 Max walks into Alex steiner’s reopened tailor shop and asks for Liesel and she is overwhelmed with joy. The end of the novel states that Liesel died just yesterday but she lived a long happy life with a husband, three children and her grandchildren. Death gives Liesel her long lost book while he takes her soul. Liesel is amazed that the book still existed and she dies happily.