Preference shares (Rs. 100 per share): 1000000.00
Ordinary share (Rs.5 per share): 1500000.00
Share premium: 1000000.00
Retained earnings: 500000.00 4000000.00
Book value of ordinary share: 300000/30000 = 10 per share
Theoretically, the book value of a share should correspond to the liquidating value of the company; however, in reality this situation never occurs. Only if the assets of a company can be liquidated for the book values shown on the financial statements, then book value per share is equal to the liquidating value per share. Even, then if liquidating costs are high, the liquidating value per share will be less than book value per share. For many companies, the liquidating value per share is less than book value per share because many of the assets can be liquidated only at reduced prices. However, some companies carry certain assets –notably, land mineral rights – at modest values on their books relative to the market value of the asset. For these companies, the liquidating value per share may be significantly higher than the book value. Sometimes, investors calculate the net working capital per share in order to obtain a more conservative estimate of the possible liquidating value of a company.
Market value: The market value per share is the current price at which the stock is traded. For listed companies and the shares of a company which are actively traded