Reynaldo Ileto, Pasyon and Revolution: Popular Movements in the Philippines, 1840-1940 (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press 1979)
William Henry Scott, Cracks in the Parchment Curtain and Other Essays in Philippine History (Quezon City: New Day Publishers.1982), 其中一篇brilliant essay: Filipino Class Structure in the Sixteenth Century, pp.96-126.
Philippine Islands, Blair and Robertson.
Bienvenido L. Lumbera, Poetry of the Early Tagalogs, Philippine Studies, 16(1968). 有不少关于bugtong的记载。
Bienvenido L. Lumbera, Tagalog Poetry, 1570-1898: Tradition and Influences in its Development (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1986).
Vincente L. Rafael, Contracting Colonialism: Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society Under Early Spanish Rule (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988, also published by ADMU Press, 1988).
John Leddy Phelan, The Hispanization of the Philippines[M], Madison,The University of
Wisconsin Press,1959.
John N.Schumacher, S.J, Reading in Philippine Church History [M],Quezon City,Loyala School of Theology. Ateneo De Manila University.1979.
Stanley Karnow, In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Philippines (New York: Random House, 1989)——普利策奖,里面认为美国政策在菲比欧洲殖民国家更benign&progressive.下一个也提及
David Joel Steinberg, The Philippines: A Singular and a Plural Place, 2d ed. (Boulder: Westview Press, 1990).
Amy Kaplan and Donald Pease: Cultures of United States Imperialism(Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1993).
Warwick Anderson, Colonial Pathologies: American Medicine in the Philippines, 1898-1921. Ph.D diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1992.
Michael Salman, The United States and the End of Slavery in the Philippines, 1898-1914: A Study of Imperialism, Ideology and Nationalism, 2 vols., Ph.D diss., Stanford University 1993.
Vincente L. Rafael ed., Discrepant Histories: Translocal Essays on Filipino Cultures (Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1995)
Stuart Creighton Miller, Benevolent Assimilation: The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899-1903 (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. 1982)
Russell Roth, Muddy Glory: America’s “Indian Wars” in the Philippines, 1899-1935(West Hanover, Mass.: Christopher Publishing House,1891)
John R.M. Taylor, The Philippine Insurrection Against the United States, 5 vols. (Quezon City: Eugenio Lopez Foundation, 1971)
Richard Drinnon, Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating and Empire Building(New York: New American Library, 1980)
Frances Gouda, Nyonyas and Memsahibs on the Imperial Divide: Gender and the History of Colonialism, (forthcoming in) Genders.
Jenny Sharpe, Allegories of Empire: The figure of Woman in the Colonial Text (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1978)
Anna Davin, Imperialism and Motherhood, History Workshop 5(1978):9-65
Ann Stoler, Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Gender, Race and Morality in Colonial Asia, in Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Postmodern Era, ed. Micaela di Leonardo (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1991), 51-101.
Charles Kaut, Utang na Loob: A System of Contractual Obligations among the Tagalogs. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 1969
E.H.Blair, J.A.Robertson. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898[Z],Vol.14, Cleveland.1903.
Anonymous, Casaysayan nang Pasiong Mahal ni Jesucristong panginoon natin (Account of the Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ Our Lord”,1814) ---also known as Pasyong Pilapil.
Aniceto de la Merced, El libro de la vida (1852) 。
Luciano P.R. Santiago, The Hidden Light: The First Filipino Priests(Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1987).