Was it bound to fail?
A-: Study source A and B. How far do these two accounts agree and prohibition?
Source a is dealing with two different sources but both about the subject which is Prohibition. Many of historians have their own opinion about it, but the main question is of these two-account show much do they agree on about Prohibition.
Source A is a section of writing that was published in 1973 and was taken from a history book. They clearly state that historians disagree about what was mainly to blame for the introduction of prohibition. By 1917 twenty-three states had already had the ban instated that is stated in the source. Main possible explanations that are stated in the source are the bad influences saloons, wartime concern for preserving grain for food, feeling against the German Americans who were important in brewing and distilling and the influence of the Anti-saloon league t a time when large numbers of men were absent in the armed forces. Even though many people were against prohibition on the other hand there were many people who were for it. This is shown in the source when they state the twenty-three states had already become dry'. The source also states that is was mainly men this is shown when they say that the armed forces numbers were very low. The reason that there were bad feeling between the Americans and the German Americans were because World War 1 had not taken place to long ago. The source also states that it had created the biggest criminal boom in American history and perhaps in all modern history.
"No earlier law had gone against the daily customs of so many Americans." This last sentence of the source is very important because it sums everything into one line and I know that the source agreed with the key question because of that sentence.
Source B is taken from a history book as well but was published in 1979. This source explains more what happened after prohibition had come