The Stuttering Foundation and the book that can be accessed through this website can be used in the classroom to conduct activities and to bring knowledge to the children and teachers about the disorder. The books can be read to the children at circle time and the activities can be brought into small group settings or even when the children are having free-choice time.…
1. Stuttering the most common speech impairment, involves as substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech.…
Ida E. Whitten was born on a small farm in Kansas and lived with her parents and a younger brother. Throughout her early years she noticed that she stuttered, but it was not a big deal. When she finally went to school and was around other students her stuttering became more noticeable. When Ida entered high school the anxiety and tension of her stutter became worse and lead her to develop feeling of humiliation and subordination, and feeling of insecurity. Her stuttering was so severe in high school that she went through school without doing any oral recitations. After school Ida knew that she was going to be a teacher. She was worried that her stuttering was going to stop her from teaching. When she graduated she was able to find a local teaching job at a small school. For the next few years Ida moved to different rural schools in Kansas. Ida began to realize that she needed to do something about her stuttering if she wanted to continue to teach. Ida decided that she was going to find professional help. Ida enrolled in the University of Iowa and registered for psychology and speech…
Stuttering is a universal situation. There are many people in the world who stutter like: Tiger Woods, Emily Blunt, V.P. Joe Biden, and even King George VI according to “Stuttering Doesn’t Hold Me Back”. People who stutter are no different than you or me they talk to friends, play games, and Exc. People don’t understand what stuttering is, why it’s difficult to cure, and what people should do to support a person who stutters. People shouldn’t shame stutterers like call them bad names, dumb or slow we should build them up.…
This study contains information from thirteen participants who have phonological disorders. The participants are males in the age range of 4.2-5.11 years. Two conditions were implemented in this study: a picture naming task and a conversational speech task. The picture naming task contained of 162 simple line drawings with names that contained word initial consonant clusters and multisyllabic words.…
People in this discourse community struggle to produce “normal” speech and work toward the goal of being able to speak properly. The smaller distinctions within speech disorders are articulation, fluency, and voice. People within the articulation discourse community struggle with producing proper speech sounds or consonant and vowel sounds. People within this community would be people with lips, people who have difficulty with blends or any other issue of the sort. Fluency disorders disturb the flow of speaking and can also include tension and mannerisms. This disorder can be described by the rate at which people speak, their rhythm, and repetitions. The main example of this sort of disorder is stuttering. Lastly, another discourse community is voice disorders. This has to do with people who have an abnormal voice for the individual. This can mean that a person’s voice has an atypical tone, volume, or quality for his/her age and/or…
Imagine your frustration during a casual talk between a group of friends. Now imagine trying but failing to come up with a word during that conversation. Any person with normal speech will eventually be able to recover that word. Seldom does a person with typical speech patterns suffer from the inability to find words. Other people with speech impediments are not as lucky.…
In the first two years of life, a child’s language develops form crying, babbling, and gurgling to being able to say about fifty words. Some will be used and clearer than…
In group 2A there was a five year old girl by the name Norma Pugh. In the second session with Tudor, it was clear that she did not want to talk. Another child that was nine years old named Betty Romp actually refused to talk in general. These two kids were in the group that were fluent speaking but told that they were going to become stutterers if they did not fix these issues immediately. The kids in this group were afraid that if they were talking that they were going to start stuttering. They eventually started to struggle saying certain words. This proved to Tudor and Johnson that stuttering is actually something that can affect anyone if they are giving a certain type of reinforcement. Johnson started this experiment to prove that if a child is labeled as a stutterer, they could become a stutterer. This is was proven true because five of the six orphans in the group of fluent speakers that were given negative reinforcement, became…
Hulme, C. and Snowling, M. (2009). Developmental disorders of language learning and cognition. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell…
SAY, the Stuttering Association for the Youth, makes children who stutter feel less alone, and feel more self-confident. Stuttering can make a person repeat, or stretch out syllables, and/or become silent in the middle of a word or sentence. As mentioned in the article,” The Incredible Power of Speech”, it’s no surprise that scientists find it difficult to discover a cure for stuttering. The complex production of your voice includes the working together of your body parts. Despite the curing process being a hard and an extremely complicated one, according to, “The Incredible Power of Speech”, scientists have managed to pinpoint parts of the brain that control speech.…
cleft lips and palates, J. Speech Hear. Dis., 21: 436-445. Retrieved July 4, 2010 from…
On February 2nd I went in to the clinic and observed a 5 year old boy who had a moderate language disorder. And just like we discussed in class, the child wouldn’t be phonologically processing his words correctly. For example: Blue car would be pronounced as Boo car. And screwdriver would be pronounced as schoodiver. He would be altering his words by gliding upn them or using cluster reduction. And from his age group based on the research between 3-5 years is the age group where these speech processing take place, so he is come at a good time to therapy to get this resolved. The objective of the client in this session was to correctly produce voice and voiceless “th” sounds in the initial/median/final stages. He wouldn’t be prancing “k” sound…
The day I observed the child was the day he had speech therapy in a group session. Due to the confidentiality of the other children, the speech therapist was uncomfortable with me attending the speech session with Child N. As per the teachers the child was said to demonstrate consistent errors in speech sound production. One or more of the child’s phonological patterns of sound are at least 40% disordered which makes the conversational intelligibility significantly affected. Some of these errors include distortions, substitutions and omissions. As noted in chapter 8 in the textbook, speech sounds errors are defined as articulation problems. (Heward p.306) At times he becomes over excited and can be perseverative, when he perceives a language task, such as word retrieval. He would become silly by laughing then trying to change the subject. These behaviors occur to some extent as an avoidant mechanism. Child N did attend to and perform better to nonverbal tasks which he has strength in. Task that include piling one block on top of one another or writing the letters of the alphabet. He also demonstrates strength in picture naming. He is able to identify and verbally communicate what a picture is. He didn’t show interest in expressing his thoughts and ideas after story time when a teacher asked what he thought was his favorite part of the…
ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for a child's age and development.…