Boredom is a lack of inner interests. I believe that it's true that boredom leads to trouble, truthfully I have experience with being very bored. When I was younger I tended to not have much to do after school I had just gotten out of the play stage and was getting older. Growing out of a lot of childish toys, I tended to look for new things to do. I started to skateboard, joining a special type of troublemaking group. We did a lot of vandalism, creating a lot of messes, and also making people mad in our enjoyment. To be honest I loved it. I wasn't bored, but I also didn't realize that I was being bad in a result of being bored. Leaving that type of group I played sports, a year or two later I began to become very lazy. Boredom will make …show more content…
Also people become drug addicts. It is possibly the worst product of boredom you can have. When people are doing drugs they are throwing their life away, giving up family and friends, education, and all other fun things in life. It consumes you, making you a person you do not want to be. Drugs like meth make you a slave to it. You can't eat or sleep, all you can do is get high. When you get bored to these measures it's very dangerous, but not all products of boredom lead to foul things like drugs and …show more content…
A lot parents force their kids into activities, most of the time the kids will not enjoy or understand that it might help them in the near future. But over time if a teen has been forced into an activity or is being forced to repeatedly do something it will cause a chain reaction of boredom. That teen will soon realize that they do not enjoy these activities and will not try to participate in others. For instance, If a teens was forced into a life of football and does not enjoy football, later on that teen will tend to not want to do any other sport because there was a lack of variety and choice. “Another thing parents can do is, if a teen has some kind of video game or social media that they enjoy, and the parent takes it away,”(Psychology Today) the teen will start to miss it a lot and feel empty without that entertainment. knowing from personal experience I do not enjoy having my electronics taken away, I start to look for other things to entertain myself. Most of the time it results in eating, which is also a very bad effect of