As former Director of Marketing for, I am very familiar with the benefits and pitfalls of high-volume/high-quality recruiting. If I were conducting the extensive recruitment that the Borgata required, I would have done exactly the same thing and relied on outside expertise and technology to attain recruitment goals. As John Schadler of Hotel and Motel Management states: “Instead of the traditional recruitment effort (the standard black and while, all-text ad in Sunday’s classified section), hotels and resorts are using colorful full-page ads in lifestyle magazines, witty dialogue in radio advertising and dramatic visuals on outdoor billboards to attract the “best of the best”. This is no doubt a large investment. But when a company is looking to find the highest quality people to bring their brand to life and deliver its promise on a daily basis, the investment is nothing short of critical” (Shadler, J., 2004).
The Borgata Casino and Spa in Atlantic City was a typical example of an entity requiring a tremendous volume of high-quality personnel in a very short time frame. Casinos are extremely competitive businesses with a very fickle customer base. In order to obtain customer loyalty, casinos must rely on providing every customer with the very best experience by upstaging their competition to retain and gain market share. While some businesses might have tried for a “soft-opening” in order to get expected “kinks” out of the system, the Borgata could not afford to do this as the first impression of each customer was key to their success. Casino openings generate tremendous amounts of “buzz”, meaning that customers who check out the casinos share their opinions of the facility with many other people- all potential customers. This word-of-mouth endorsement is the most valuable form of marketing for a new casino and the least expensive. The Borgata was entering the well-saturated existing
References: Aamodt, M. (2010). Industrial/organizational psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning Business Editors/High-Tech Writers. (2003).Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa deploys PeopleSoft recruiting solutions. Business Wire, retrieved from Schadler, J. (2004). Creative recruiting helps hotels attract the best employees. Retrieved from;es/mi_m3072/is_19_219/ai_n8967683