A philosophy which has been debated for the last three years, Blue Ocean Strategy.2
The authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne challenges the classic battle market position by producing a mindset and approach based on creating a new market without competitors. What the book Blue Ocean Strategy is called the blue
Ocean. According to W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne achieved this by including creating and capturing new customer needs (blue ocean), as opposed to supporting the existing demand, which dominates the classical teorier3 (red ocean).
Strategic Developments in Blue Ocean Strategy is focused on making it cheaper and better. Normally is firm theoretical and practical need to make a choice between these two factors.
Michael E. Porter describes particular in his book Competitive Strategy - Techniques for Analyzing Industries and competitor, it's about the company is either highly differentiated or have a low pris.4 Blue Ocean Strategy's thinking is to remove cost value barrier, and thereby offer something that is cheaper, better and different. There are both supporters and critics of the book, Blue Ocean Strategy - The new winning strategies.
Critics argue, among other things, that strategy is hindsight, since it is based on companies' already created successful. In addition, they believe that many companies go bankrupt because they trying to find the blue oceans that critics do not believe findes.5 According to the strategies credibility and usefulness within the subject marketing, are all theories mainly built on experience from industry. Some companies have pioneered new thinking, and their experience in industry is described as theory.
Blue Ocean Strategy can be a new approach for their future strategy schedules. Views are scattered in the strategy innovation.
Some consider the strategy as being random for business success, and that no found a blue ocean. Others characterize the book as a new strategy classic, and