Your job as a researcher is to gather evidence to support your claim (thesis). Use source materials to prove your theory of why genocide happens today or how people gain enough power to inspire genocide.
You may also choose your own topic to research. Find a topic that interests you but you will have to make sure you write an arguable thesis statement regarding your topic. This means you will have to think of your own research question to answer about the topic. Let me know if you need help figuring out how to do this.
1. Select an example of genocide OR any topic you’d like to research and prove something about.
2. Find at least 3 types of sources such as newspaper or magazine articles, books, videos, documentaries, interviews, and reputable websites. 5 sources total. For example 2 websites, 1 book, 1 magazine.
3. Create source cards to be used in creating your Works Cited page. Remember to use to help you format your source citations or refer to the library handout you will receive that gives examples.
4. Read your research information and highlight key facts, details, or examples that you want to use in your paper or that you find very interesting or relevant.
5. Write a thesis statement to focus your paper.
6. Create note cards for each piece of source information that will be used in the paper. Remember to write the source number in the top left hand corner to refer to when creating your parenthetical citations in your paper.
7. Revisit any of your source material from which you needed more information.
8. Learn to write a works cited page and create in-text citations
9. Organize and