The event of September 11th 2001, left an entire nation shaken with the horrific act of Islamic extremist via terrorist acts. Twelve years later another despicable event occurred in Boston, Massachusetts during the Boston Marathon on April 15 2013, killing 3 and injuring 264 participants and by standers. The suspects were identified as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. These individuals then continued there psychotic rampage through the streets of Boston killing a MIT police officer, carjacked an SUV in attempt to escape authorities. All that to say that these
two individuals mentioned to say that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev does not deserve to be glorified in the front page of Rolling Stone magazine. A statement was released from Rolling Stone magazine stating "The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone 's long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day." (CBS News, 2013) By putting this young man’s face on a prestigious magazine, it shows other terrorist extremist that the media will help in spreading the terror by glorifying them with exposure. Moreover, the ones that should be on the cover of this well-known magazine, are the heroes of these tragedy and the victims of this horrible act. In order for terrorism to have mass effect on the populace the inflictor wants, they need maximum exposure. The acts must be utterly brutal and as bloody as possible. Many of the victims had to have limbs severed due to the massive trauma inflicted upon their limbs. Not to mention the physiological damage they inflicted for more than a week in the Boston community. This event also reopened the wound that, while healed, never was forgotten. To conclude, the actions of the magazine Rolling Stone was callous, cold and insensitive to the families of all the victims of this despicable act, it is also a slap in the face to not only the citizens of Boston but the United States of America.
CBS News (2013, July 17).Rolling Stone defends cover featuring Boston Marathon bombing suspect. CBS News. Retrieved from 57594205/rolling-stone-defends-cover-featuring-boston-marathon-bombing-suspect/