This cartoon shows a British colonialist sitting on a box of tea after the Boston Tea Party. The colonist, clearly in a position of weakness, says “make no mistake… I’m still in command of this vessel.” Despite the colonist’s words, the patriots had clearly “won this battle”, and had taken a huge step forward towards independence.
The cartoon shows that this event, organised by the Boston Patriots, weakened the colonists, and helped the Americans in their fight for independence.
Context and Purpose:
This cartoon was most likely drawn by a pro-American artist, as it is making fun of the British. The cartoons purpose is to show the event from a one-sided perspective in a way that is quicker and possibly more interesting to look at …show more content…
The letter shows the intention of the patriots to strop trade from America “to both England and the West Indies”.
This letter was written after the Boston Tea Party had taken place, and shows that after the success of that event, the British were angry, and intended to “carry out their threats”. This letter shows, however, that patriots were still willing to fight, and would stop at nothing to gain independence.
Context and Purpose:
This letter was written in Boston, America, shortly before the Boston Tea Party. The purpose of the letter was to inform the writers brother-in-law , living in another American state, about the state of affairs in Boston at the time- the severity and what needed to be done to rectify the situation.
The letter is written by someone who lived through the events that are being described. This means that it is first-hand knowledge- which is usually more reliable. It is also being written to a family member- meaning it is not likely the writer would have made any of it up 0 adding to its value. The sources reliable description of the event makes it valuable. …show more content…
Context and Purpose:
This article has been written to inform readers about the main Boston Patriots, and the roles they each played in the revolution. It was written after the revolution, meaning its purpose is to educate and inform about the event – it did not play a role in the event itself. The article allows readers to decide for themselves why Bostonians in particular played a major role by providing various theories.
The article provides many facts about the various Boston Patriots, informing why and how each of them played an important role in the American Revolution. The article explains how the strengths of the Patriots were utilised in their fight for independence.
The article seems to have been written by an American – as the language indicates that the writer favours the Boston Patriots/ America over Britain. This means that the facts may be bias and therefore not as reliable. Emotive language is used, which further shows the article is largely opinionated and not completely