Mr. Nguyen
28 February 2013
Bottle Biome I. Introduction
The problem is how the miracle gro helps the mustard seed germinate. The purpose of this experiment is to find out how the water cycle works in a biome. The objectives are to find out what soils help the mustard seed grow the fastest. If I use miracle grow than the plants will germinate the fastest because of the Molybdenum it has in it.
II. Methods
Materials you will need:
Clear tape
(5) Mustard Seed
(40mL) Gravel
(35mL) Sand
Fresh water Goldfish (1)
(55cm) Cotton String
Elodea Plant (1)
Bottle Cap (1)
Markers (2)
Coffee Filter (1)
Fish Food
2 Liter Clear Plastic Bottles (2
(250mL)Miracle Gro …show more content…
After they are both cleaned label one of them bottle number 1, and the other bottle number 2. Using bottle number 1 make an incision with the scalpel at 6 inches from the bottom, then cut it all the way around. Using bottle number 2 make and incision at 5 inches from the top, then cut all the way around it. With the bottle cap put the nail on top of the cap and hammer it making the nail go completely through. Remove the nail. Get the cotton string place it in the hole you just made in the cap, then make a knot in the middle of it. Place the cap onto bottle number 2. Then put the gravel into bottle number 1, then also place (625mL) of water, the elodea plant, and the goldfish in bottle number 1. Put a pinch of fish food into the water. With the coffee filter fold it in half and then in half again. Cut the tip of it off. Place the coffee filter onto the sting in bottle number 2. With bottle number 2 place it inside bottle number 1 upside down. Then place the sand, miracles gro, and mustard seed into the coffee filter. Then add the (25mL) of water into the soil. With the extra piece of bottle number 2 cut about 1 ½ off, then with that make slits about 1 inch tall all the way around the ring. Then place it onto bottle