• The shared values, attitudes and beliefs of members in Bow Treasures.if employees of Bow Treasures are working in a healthy and positive environment it can prevent employee from committing fraud and theft due to increased morale.
• If Bow Treasures promote a positive working and strong environment with strong fraud controls it will create trust among employees and employees would like to work in an organisation full of trust
• There should be a clear organizational structure, written policies and procedures and fair employment practices in Bow Treasures. An open-door policy can also provide a great fraud prevention system as it gives employees open lines of communication with management with protection if they act as “whistle …show more content…
Code of ethic can prevent fraud through encouraging employee to behave in an ethical manner.
• The code of ethics should be adopted to ensure that fraud is prevented and employees behave in an ethical manner according to the organisations policy and procedures. Employee should be made aware of the code of ethics and always be reminded of the content of the code of ethics to ensure that the conduct themselves in a proper manner. Top management of Bow treasures should behave in an ethical manner and lead by example through setting the tone at the top. The code of ethics will include the following actions to be taken if an employee behaves unethically and what is considered to be unethical at Bow Treasures.
2.2.8 Anti-Fraud And Corruption Policy
• Anti-fraud policy is a document which state who is responsible for preventing, detecting and investigating. It also underlines the procedures of how to handle the reporting of fraud, what constitute fraud and procedure of investigating