2. skip 3. vignette – conceptualization/hypotheses 4. 3 stage treatment plan (beginning, middle, end of therapy) a. global goals b. interventions
Beginning goals/interventions 1.Make client feel safe/build rapport/build relationship 2.Ask their goals 3. question about their family positions 4. empathy/active listening 5. symptom relief – ask about symptoms, what brings them to therapy, not taking sides, repeat (mirror), no judging
a. Build working hypothesis – ask clarifying questions, seating position
Middle goal for Bowenian Therapy 1. Id subsystems, hierachy, genome relationships
2. Bowen Goal: Begin challenging pathological beliefs/faulty cognitions (intervention) - genogram 3. Bowen Goal: Reach differentiation Intervention - 4 Bowen Goal: Assist family in looking at family dynamics: Intervention – Genogram End 1. Time to end when believe they are able to maintain change/and how a. Client/clients have maintained change for some time in therapy b. Learn to deal with loss, if attached to therapist c. Have a plan i. resources ii. index cards d. Review progress iii. Bowen copy of genogram, beginning and end iv. Bowen – copy of CED, other