The three main attachment theorists, Bowlby, Ainsworth and Crittenden are considered in the development of Therapeutic OOHC. Attachment theory highlights the functional bond between child and carer. When children seek care, they expect …show more content…
attachment theory, trauma theory, the neurobiology of attachment and trauma, and the concept of resilience. For example when working with a distressed child who is struggling to settle into a new placement. BMPs encompass theory and practice in in reference to Bowlby’s (1980) theory of attachment, particularly his concept of separation response (protest, despair and detachment). This helps to increase the neurological and physical underpinnings understanding of the child and educate foster carers and birth family to understand and provide strategies surrounding the behaviours. In order to comprehend the impact of developmental trauma it is important to understand the neurophysiological basis of development. The BMPs underpin that CYP can learn to change their thinking and behaviour if they are given the skills for better emotional regulation (through co-regulation with a trusted adult) and healthier attachment