Good Morning/Afternoon I’m Jasmine Antonie and I’m here to talk about Michael Moore’s film ‘Bowling for Columbine’ and some of the techniques that are used in the film. Michael Moore uses persuasive film techniques to position the audience to accept his version of the truth. Some of the techniques used by Michael Moore to position the audience are editing, sequencing and music. He uses them by editing parts of the film to marginalise the NRA and gun owners. He sequences the film into a certain position to make the movie more effective and uses music to position the audience to feel a certain way.
Bowling for columbine is a documentary that was made in 2002 detailing the events surrounding the Massacre that took place on April 20 1999. In Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore deals with the issues of gun and gun crime in USA. One of the purposes of this film is to persuade American’s to change their ideas about guns and gun laws, Moore shows this in his film by showing small clips and photos of people using guns in a inappropriate manor. Michael Moore constantly refers to other countries such as Canada and their gun policies to back up his arguments for increase gun regulation. He is successfully able to counter argue any reason given by pro gun supporters as to the reason why America has the highest gun related crimes and deaths, even though other countries have similar attitudes toward violence. The scenes selected for Bowling for Columbine display Moore’s ability to successfully persuade the audience to accept his point of view. Michael Moore born April 23, 1954 is an American filmmaker, author and liberal political commentator. He is the director and producer of Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko and Capitalism: A Love Story, four of the top nine highest-grossing documentaries of all time. All of Moore’s films are documentary based where he tells his point of view and tries to persuade the audience to see what he thinks is