Strategy is a long term directions for companies. Bennett (1996, cited by Cousins 2000) describes strategy as:
“The word strategy is used to describe the direction that the organisation chooses to follow in order to fulfil its mission”.
Today, strategies are vital for businesses, in many cases it helps to achieve a competitive advantage. Increasing competition in most sectors and technological development has led to accelerated changes in the global economy. In order to meet the market needs, strategies encourage and enable the adaptation of companies in a changing environment (Tribe, 2010).
The aim of the report is to conduct a research on Bowman 's Strategy Clock which will demonstrate a rational, reflective and critical evaluation of the concept. To do so, the report is going to be divided in three parts. The first or the report part is going to give an overview of the Bowman’s strategy with its background. The second part will analyse the model and its different strategies by using example from companies. Then some authors’ opinions about the model will be analysed.
2.0 Bowman 's Strategy Clock
2.1 Strategy Overview
In 1980 Michael Porter published his seminal book wherein he identified three generic strategies for a business to gain competitive advantage: cost leadership, product differentiation and market segmentation (Johnson et al., 2008). Basically, Porter analysed that business compete either on price (cost), on perceived value (differentiation), or by focusing on a very precise customer (market segmentation).
Source: Eldring (2009)
With his model, Porter (1980- cited in Eldring, 2009) explained that a company must choose between one of the three generic strategies otherwise it will be “stuck in the middle” and suffer from below-average performance.
In 1996, Cliff Bowman and David Faulkner developed Bowman 's Strategy Clock Looking at Porter 's Generic strategies in a different way. This model extends Porter 's
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