Boxing Mastery
Advanced Technique, Tactics and Strategies from the Sweet Science
Mark Hatmaker with Doug Werner
Tracks Publishing
San Diego, California
Photography by
Doug Werner
Boxing Mastery
Advanced Technique, Tactics and Strategies from the Sweet Science
Mark Hatmaker with Doug Werner
Tracks Publishing
140 Brightwood Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
619-476-7125 All r ights reser ved. No par t of this book ma y be reproduced or transmitted in an y form or b y any means, electronic or mechan ical, including photocop ying, recording or b y an y inf ormation storage and retrieval system without per mission from the author, except for the inclusion of br ief quotations in a review.
Copyright © 2004 by Doug Werner
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Hatmaker, Mark.
Boxing mastery : advanced technique, tactics and strategies from the sweet science / Mark Hatmaker with
Doug Werner.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 1884654215
LCCN 2004111980
1. Boxing--Training.
II. Title.
GV1137.6.H38 2004
I. Werner, Doug, 1950796.83
Dedicated to the sweet science and to all who have laced on gloves attempting to go beyond slugging. Acknowledgements in alphabetical order
Aisha Buxton for production
Phyllis Carter for editing
Kylie Hatmaker for set production
Kory Hays for showing and sharing his talent throughout this guide
Margaret Simonds for production
Students and teachers past and present for making every day a learning opportunity
1. Training continuum
2. Stances and guards
3. Footwork
4. Upper body mobility
5. Fist rolling
6. Hinge principle
7. Punches
8. KOs and power punching
9. Jab drills
10. Combinations
11. Beat punching
12. Defensive concepts
13. Defense mechanics
14. Isolation and touch sparring
15. Feinting
16. Drawing
17. Pivoting and waltzing
18. Shifting
19. Shuffling
20. Caught on the ropes
21. Infighting and shelling up
22. Clinching