Wrong. Blood-thirsty. Barbaric- words that are used to describe a modern day sport were the aim is to injure your opponent- boxing. In boxing two large, powerful, strong men have a mindless punch-off to see who will be knocked out first. Most boxers receive permanent brain damage and illness in later life due to the violent sport. Some may even die.
There are many consequences linked with boxing the more common of the two: brain damage, and the second one: death. During a boxers career, they will suffer many serious blows to the head, these all add up and contribute to illness later on in a boxers career. About eighty per cent of all professional boxers have permanent brain scars that can be seen on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans. If brain tissue is damaged, it is permanent. A disease that many boxers have found themselves with, is known as; ‘punch drunk.’ The symptoms of this …show more content…
Tennis to hit the ball out of reach of your opponent. Boxing- to beat your opponent unconscious. Unlike all other sports, the aim of boxing is to intentionally harm your opponent. Although new safety rules have been brought in to try and reduce the amount of injuries and fatalities there is still some, which is simply unacceptable. Professional boxing consists of up to twelve rounds, three minutes each round. One referee works within the ring to make sure the boxers are in a stable condition too fight, judge if they can fight safely, count how long knocked-out fighters are on the floor for and stop fouls. In-between each three minute round. These breaks are usually spent by giving water to the boxer, or the coach telling the boxer how he can beat up the man standing in the corner across from him. After the twelve rounds, if the boxers are both lucky enough to still be conscious three judges decide who threw the best pinches overall, this determines the winner. Boxing is an unsafe sport to be involved