In the story of The Boy in the striped pajamas we follow the life of a nine year old boy named Bruno. He is very curious of what happens around him, and adventurous. The father was a high official commander in the Germany army and he ran the concentration camp in Auschwitz. The mother was a supportive and submissive wife/mother. Gretel, the sister in the beginning is mean to Bruno but towards the end she is kind. The fury is Hitler in the story he is described as rude, as Bruno calls him a horrible man. The family all together respects the father so much that they will follow is every step. Then there is Shmuel. Shmuel is a Jewish boy that Bruno meets in Auschwitz near the gate to the camp. He is the same age as Bruno, looks the same, the only difference is that he is skinner than Bruno.
There are many themes to describe the book. There are lies, human cruelty, uniform, friendship, and also there is spirituality. When you wear the uniform you become just like it. When the father had put on the uniform he became a murder of innocent lives. The friendship in this story was very strong for two young boys. Shmuel had taken beaten for eating food that he was offered by Bruno. Instead of complaining and telling Bruno how he felt he said nothing.
From my prospective I believe that The Boy in the Strip Pajamas was a really interesting book. It gave me a glimpse