The BoyZout social group, with its subgroup, Cairns Sunboys has had a long history in Cairns. The group emails a popular monthly newsletter to 250 contacts informing recipients of gay events in Cairns.
The genesis of BoyZout: Gay Gentlemen's Group or GGG
In 1995 Bob Lyell, living in Cairns, and recovering from a divorce, wanted to meet other 40 plus older men. There only social meeting places for gay men then were bars or discos, so he placed an advertisement in the Cairns Post, suggesting a social group for older gay men. The social group first met at the gay hotel at 18-24 James Street on 15 February 1996 and was named the Gay Gentlemen's Group (GGG, or sometimes, Triple G, which had an interesting ring to it.).
With Rex Masters at its helm, GGG arranged social outings, walks and dinners. The first bushwalk was from Wonga Beach to the …show more content…
Disco. This bright, colourful newsletter promotes interest in gay groups and events in Cairns.
Members walked with the gay float in the Cairns Festival's Parade of Lights from 2008 to 2014 to raise the group's profile.
BoyZout liaised with organisations like QAHC, and the Doll's House sexual health clinic, and their events were always publicised in Culture magazine, produced bimonthly by QAHC, and in Q News.
In 2009 BoyZout launched to encourage new members and to provide information about the gay scene in Cairns. Visitors from all over the world log on to find out what is happening in Cairns with the Calendar being particularly popular.
Cairns is a transient town and it is vital that visitors and residents are able to find like minded people to mix socially with. The BoyZout magazine with its long history, and dedication of so many people over those years, have built towards this success and everyone involved is to be