It was the year 1984 in the city of South Central Los Angeles, which kids are exposed to violence every day. These kids are stripped from their innocence by seeing theft, fights, and killings from the streets. What affects them in the long run is growing up with feeling that life will not get better for them, and juveniles live up to the reputation into being the type of person they grow up seeing whether it be a gang member or drug dealer. The movie shows broken families, which is described as divorced families and abusive parents. In these broken homes it shows the poor economic situation each family lives in. The movie,” Boyz In The Hood” explains the theories of social learning, zone, strain, and Hirshei’s …show more content…
In this theory, he claims people are involved in crime because they are not bonded into society, in other words they need to have a sense of attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief in the end of the day everything will be alright. To begin with, the book explains attachment as,” This emotional dimension of the social bond explains conformity as emanating from sensitive regard and respect for one’s fellow human beings. It signifies how much one cares about people.” (Thompson E. W & Bynum E. Jack 2013) For example when Ricky was shot and killed in an alley it sparked multiple emotions toward Doughboy and Trey. They both cared about Ricky very much, and decided to take matters in their own hands differently. In a negative connotation Doughboy set out with his crew, to find the people that murdered Ricky and kill them. The route Trey took was a positive one, instead of going and killing went home and realize that it was not the right way to handle the situation although he cared deeply for his friend. Next we have commitment which is defined as,” This component of the social bond encompasses an individual’s pursuit of idealized and conventional objectives, such as the development of an occupational career and establishment of a reputation for virtue. (Thompson E. W & Bynum E. Jack 2013) In the negative outlook we can look at commitment as establishing a reputation by joining a gang such as Doughboy and his crew who are part of the Crips. The positive outlook for commitment is Ricky wanting to go to college and have a better future for himself and his child. Next we have the third element to Hirschi’s theory and that would be involvement which is defined as,” An individual’s preoccupation and heavy investment of time and effort in conventional pursuits ensure conformity by reducing one’s availability for deviant activities.” (Thompson E. W & Bynum E. Jack