2. Two risk factors for claudication are his increasing blood pressure and his high cholesterol. They are risk factors …show more content…
a,b,c,d and f.
4. S.P would complain of pain in the foot and calf’s.
5. The purpose of aspirins is to decrease inflammation and prevent blood clots.
6. You may want to wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows the technician performing the ankle-branchial index test to easily place a BP cuff on your ankle and upper arm. Having an ABI is painless and similar to getting your BP taken in a routine visit.
7. His ABI results indicate a diagnostic of PVD.
8. I would address methods to promote vasodilation. I would teach him to avoid raising legs above the level of the heart unless venous stasis is present. I would encourage patient to stop smoking because it is the most effective way to prevent vasoconstriction. I would tell him to limit dietary fat intake to less than 30% of total daily calories. I would remind him to drink adequate liquids to prevent dehydration and to increase blood viscosity. I would recommend a physical therapist to increase exercise. Also I would recommend decreasing cholesterol intake because it reduces the formation of plaque to the arteries. I would also address to decrease his blood