BP’s global staffing is a very big part of their organization. The company has approximately 100,000 employees’ worldwide working in 47 countries. Currently they have five brands, they are: BP, Aral, ARCO, Castrol, AMPM, and Wild Bean Café brand, different brands but they provide energy. (BP, 2012) Sustaining their employees, providing opportunities like being an expatriate, and following BP’s strategy are some ways they maintain global staffing.
Primarily, BP approach to sustaining employees is “found in the principles, promoting, treating employees fairly, and providing open feedback, ensuring compliance with laws, regulations and our code of conduct.” (BP, 2012) BP goal is to recruit talented employees and challenge them to be better by offering a reward framework, which includes base pay, variable pay, equity and benefits. They embrace on creating a more diverse and developmental working environment so employees are inclined to carry on with their service. They also provide local services to help out neighboring communities in which they are located. With a combination of making each employee feel valued, comfortable and providing benefits and incentives like, preparing them to become leaders in the future, BP trusts this lowers the turnover rate. (BP, 2012)
Next, the company offers employment to expatriates. “Expatriates are employees living and working in a different country from where he or she is a citizen.” (Mathis and Jackson, 2011) These opportunities are offered to expand their global market but only for professionals with passion to work with multi cultural teams and willing to support the global challenge. The business offers support for a smooth transition for relocating into another country. These individuals are employed to assist the area managers and local teams in different countries to track success and lower risk and to be the point of contact for that location to their home station.
Lastly, the global