Tashon Cooper
February 2, 2012
Paul Hennessy
BP Management
BP Management ensures that the material risks are identified and that the company runs effectively. Furthermore, BP management ensures that internal control and risk management is under control. In particular, some vital components of BP management include their recognition for the company’s yearly plan, reviews of material risks, ensuring that the chief executive adopts their approach about risks, and that the decisions made are taken in accordance through the system of delegation.
Board Monitoring Group Risks
The board annually reviews the group risks and the groups’ risks are managed as part of an annual group proposal. The board delegates which risks will be allocated to the committee while reporting to the board. The work program for the board is set on an agenda that identifies the board’s tasks and group risks. The committee receives reports about how each specific task is allocated. In particular, the audit committee manages financial risks and the SEEAC monitors all other risks that are not financial. On the other hand, the board reviews geopolitical risks. Reports are given from committees to the specific task that was allocated. In addition, the Gulf of Mexico committee specifically oversees the Gulf Coast Restoration Organization.
Under BP’s authority outline, the executive management delegates to the chief executive of the group. Executive management also has many responsibilities for delivery projects. In particular, the upstream project is a specialist group which is also known as the Global Projects Organization.
The board’s committees uses segment and organizations to review reports, this identifies the environmental and safety projects. Regular reports are received from the committees which include compliance, internal audit, safety and operational risks. The audit is very vital because it highlights management actions and the findings of the
References: Hall, A. (2010, October 12). "Executive Management.” Retrieved from http://www.bp.com/managedlistingsection.do?categoryId=9021802&contentId=7040609 Mauer, R., & Tinsley, A. M. (2010, May 8). "Gulf Oil Spill: BP has a long record of legal, ethical violations". Retrieved from http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/05/08/93779/bp-has-a-long-record-of-legal.html