Within hours of the Deepwater Horizon accident, BP teams were working to stop the leak. We also acted to minimize the spill’s impact on the environment by containing, removing and dispersing oil offshore, protecting the shoreline and cleaning up oil that came ashore. And we worked with wildlife groups to develop rescue and rehabilitation programmes for turtles, birds and other species. www.bp.com/ gulfofmexico/inpictures
What’s inside?
We recognize that the events of 2010 have impacted many people, from local communities and businesses in the Gulf Coast region to our customers, colleagues, partners and shareholders around the world. We feel a deep sense of responsibility to everyone affected by what we do and how we do it – not just in the Gulf of Mexico, but wherever we operate. And not just this year, but every year. In this Sustainability Review, we look at what that sense of responsibility means in practice. We discuss how the accident and oil spill are shaping how we do business, and the changes we are making to our portfolio and organization. Our website plays an integral part in our sustainability reporting, covering a wider set of issues and reporting on them in more depth. The website includes detailed information about our environmental and safety performance, as well as case studies that demonstrate our sustainability efforts in action.
Full sustainability reporting bp.com/sustainability
22 IFC
This is BP
Our strategy and key performance data
A letter from our group chief executive
Bob Dudley reflects on the events of 2010, and how we’re working to earn back the trust of all our stakeholders
How BP is changing
Making BP a safer, stronger, more valuable and more sustainable company
Gulf of Mexico