Mr. Anderson 5th 9-21-11
BP vs. Exxon
The BP oil spill is the most resent oil incident. The oil spill was really big and caused a lot of mess and damage to nature. It killed a lot of animals and fish and made the water dangerous. BP says that they were working hard to clean the oil up. They were taking a really long time. BP has responded to todays US Government report into last year's Deepwater Horizon accident, it says it agrees with its core conclusion, consistent with every other official investigation that the accident was the result of multiple causes, involving multiple parties, including Transocean and Halliburton.
From the outset, BP acknowledged their role in the accident and has taken big steps to further enhance safety and risk management throughout its global operations, including the implementation of new voluntary standards and practices in the Gulf of Mexico that exceed current regulatory requirements and strengthen the oversight of contractors.
A lot of different dirty oily thing was all over the beaches. Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches from Tropical Storm Lee shows that oil left over from 2 year's BP spill isn't breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would.
Auburn University experts who studied tar samples at the request of coastal leaders said the latest wave of gooey balls and chunks appeared really fresh, smelled strongly and were barley changed chemically from the weathered oil that collected on Gulf beaches during the spill.
The study concluded that mats of oil, not weathered tar, which is harder and contains fewer hydrocarbons , are still submerged on the bottom of the sea and could pose a long-term risk to coastal ecosystems.
BP didn't immediately comment on the study, but the company added a lot of cleanup crews and extended their