For the
CHART Mapping Applications
Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
State Operations Center
Hanover Complex
7491 Connelley Drive
Hanover, MD 21076-1701
In Response to:
Contract DBM-2027-TSP
Requisition # J01R3200010
Submitted by:
March 31, 2003
Revision History
Doc. Version
March 31, 2003
Initial version
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Scope 4
2. System Architecture 4
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 SQL Server and ArcSDE 6
2.3 Map Server (ArcIMS) 6
2.4 Web Server (IIS) .Net Framework and ASP.Net 6
2.5 Security 7
3. Network Configuration 9
4. Database Organization 13
5. Technical Challenges 14
5.1 Map Display Mechanism 14
5.2 Automated Refresh of Device and Event Data 16
5.3 Inter-Frame Client Script Synchronization 17
5.4 Assigning and Editing Event Location 17
5.5 Scalability 17
5.6 Exception Management and Recovery 18
5.7 Integration with ASP Code in EORS and CHART Web Application 18
6. User Interface Design 19
6.1 Intranet Map Site User Interface Design 19
6.2 Internet Map Site User Interface 21
7. References 22
8. Terms and Glossary 22
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the high level design for the CHART/EORS Intranet Mapping Application and the CHART Internet Mapping Application. The purpose of this design is to show the high-level technical approach to meeting the requirements defined in system requirements specification. This serves to identify the architecture of the system and high-level interactions between major system components.
1.2 Objectives
Identify and describe the software architecture for the system.
Provide high-level approaches to various technical challenges.
Provide a guide for future development efforts, such as detailed design and coding.
1.3 Scope
This high level design encompasses the approach for meeting