Fixed asset management process Of
Submitted By: Ahmed Shekutur
ID # 08304034
BBS Dept, BRAC University
Submitted To: Husain Salilul Akareem
BRAC Business School (BBS)
BRAC University
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28th, February, 2013
Husain Salilul Akareem
BRAC Business School (BBS)
BRAC University
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Subject: To accept the internship report on; “Fixed asset management process of BRAC Bank
I am delighted to submit my internship report on “Fixed asset management process of BRAC
Bank Limited” as a requirement for my graduation. You are aware that I have completed my internship program in BRAC Bank Limited (BBL) from 4 th November to 4th February. I joined BBL, which is the head office of BRAC Bank and the name of my sub unit is “Asset
Management” which is in the unit of “Asset Management and Payment Settlement” at finance division. I truly believe that this report will satisfy your requirements and expectations as I tried my level best to make this report informative, practical, reliable and relevant as possible. To prepare this report I have reviewed some books, journals and download information from internet, take interviews and on the basis of available information I have depicted a set of recommendations which I think will help “asset management team” to improve their competence. I have attained some unique opportunities to go through some fruitful job experiences. Those experiences enabled me to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real life situation to a great extent.
I appreciate your kind advice, cooperation, patience and suggestions regarding this report which will definitely help me to go ahead as a brilliant guideline. I will be available for any further query and clarification regarding this report whenever necessary.
Sincerely Yours,
Md. Ahmed Shekutur
ID: 08304034
BRAC Business School
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I am grateful to many individuals for