Elton J. Davis
PSY 370
Keia Farr
January 24th , 2011
Our currant educational system dates back to the Industrial Revolution at a time when our country prepared its people for agricultural work and factory jobs. The school systems and curriculums of the time were centered around the mass production mentality ( www.funderstanding.com/catagory/content/educatiion-history). The education system of that time prepared students to face the demands of the economy of the time. Times have changed and the United States education system has dropped off dramatically in the last several decades in comparison to other countries. The test scores of many Asian and European countries show large disparities in educational achievement. Recent breakthroughs in the many disciplines of Brain Based Learning have showed evidence that our educational systems need to incorporate a more brain based friendly environment into our school curriculums. It has been proven that the learning environment that a student is subjected to has a major impact in the ability of that student to learn. Extensive neurological research has shown how the brain works and different areas of science have used that information to develop suggestions how to incorporate them into learning and educational curriculum s and environments. When educators look to incorporate brain compatible learning environments they need to understand the fundamentals of how the brain works. Neuroscience research offers new insights into how the brain works and how students learn and have prompted the development of new approaches to learning and teaching. Brain based learning and the teaching methods to support these methods can be found in four primary categories. The first and most prominent category is right brain left brain approaches followed by approaches
References: The statements above has been condensed, synthesized, and summarized from: Jenson, E, (2008) Brain Based Learning, Second Edition Caine, G., Nummela-Caine, (1997) Education on the edge of possibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD--Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Retrieved from http://uwsp.edu/education/lwilson/brain/bboverview.htm D 'Arcangelo, M Jensen, E. (1998) Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD--Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Retrieved from http://www.jensenlearning.com/news/teaching-high-poverty-kids-using- Jensen, E Jensen, E. & Johnson, G. (1994) The Learning Brain. San Diego: Brain Store Incorporated. Retrieved from http://www.jensenlearning.com/news/teaching-high-poverty-kids-using-