Teacher B
Period 1
3 December 2010
Brain Cancer in Children
Brain Cancer is a common disease amongst children today. There is a lot of information concerning brain cancer, available to anyone who wishes to learn more of the disease.
There are different types of brain tumors. As a matter of fact, there are over 100 types of brain tumors! Cancers of the brain are the result of abnormal growth of cells in the brain. They also can arise from organs that contain cancer cells which have spread to the brain by the bloodstream. Cancer is one of the hardest disease to cure and there is not a known cure, but there is extensive research in progress. Brain cancer is more common in children than adults.
Tumors of the brain can be either benign or malignant. Benign means a non-cancerous tumor while malignant means a cancerous tumor. Tumors that do not grow aggressively are called benign. Almost all tumors that begin in the brain do not spread to other parts of the body. The major differences between benign and malignant tumors are that malignant tumors can invade the brain tissues and grow rapidly ( Harold). A brain tumor is the most common childhood disease.
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Symptoms of this disease vary depending on the size of the tumor and its location in the brain. Symptoms do not give you an idea of where the tumor is located. Headaches are a very common symptom of this disease. The headaches you get from brain cancer are very frequent and increase in pain over time. They cannot be dealt with using over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Aleve. Headaches may worsen while sneezing, coughing, bending over, or lying down.
Seizures also play a major role in living with the disease . Studies have shown that 1/3 of the population of people who are living with the disease develop seizures. Seizures can cause the body to shake and shudder uncontrollably. During this action you could experience visual disturbance
Cited: 8700629 Phillip`s, Peter C.. “Brain Cancer.” The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, May 2005. Web.07 Oct. 2010. www.chop.edu Miller, Robin E.. "Types of Cancer Teens Can Get". Nemours, June 2007 Web. 07 Oct. 2010. www.kidshealth.org Varmus, Harold. " Common Cancer Types". National Cancer Institute, 6 June 2010. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. www.cancer.org Laino, Charlene. " Cancer Signs in Teens Often Overlooked". WebMD Health News, 9 October 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. www.medicinenet.com "Brain Cancer". 17 January 2008. Web. 07 Oct. 2010 www.emedicinehealth.com