HOW BCI ADDING NEW FUNCTIONALITIES TO HCI? Why need brain computer interfaces? Brain Computer Interfaces give utterly another means to people to communicate. In this case muscle control is not the way to communicate with the devices but that’s the brain. BCI is adding up new functionalities to HCI (Human Computer Interface). HCI is a study of identifying human capabilities and design, construct …show more content…
Here development is required. BCI solves that problem. BCI makes a constant collaboration between the client and the outside world. The client gets feedback reflecting the conclusion of the BCI's operation, and that feedback can influence the client's ensuing plan and its representation in mind signals. A BCI is also known as Mind Machine Interface (MMI), Direct Nervous Interface (DNI) and Synthetic Telepathy Interface (STI) and Brain Machine Interface (BMI) [Brenda Gallegos, 2014].
DESIGNS WHICH CAN RECOGNIZE BRAIN SIGNALS AS INPUT “Whenever a person thinks, recall or feel something electrical signals and magnetic field produce by person’s brain”. It is said by scientists after a research of many decades. Hens Berger, professor of psychiatry at the University of Jena at Germany was a man who exposed that it is possible to record the electrical signals which is produced by human brain from the skin which is covering the human head [2012. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles and