“Addiction is not a disease of will power. It’s a disease of instinct. It lives in the part of the brain that tells you to breathe.” Addiction is a brain disease that affects and starts to control your limbic system which is located in the brain. When this happens your brain is tricked into believing that the substance and or object you’re addicted to is a necessity and when not taken can cause people to forget how to act with morals. Yet, most people almost always link addiction to drug and/or alcohol addiction. This leads people to believe it’s more of a choice, and that people suffering from addiction are not also suffering from mental health issues. When that isn’t true at all, because you can be addicted to anything; including …show more content…
It affects your brain, and from there on the person is no longer using that substance, that substance uses them. They become consumed by their addiction and before they know it many are too overwhelmed to ever believe they can overcome it. It becomes their lifestyle. No matter what addiction it is, they all should be taken seriously because it is a mental health issue and they all affect people in similar ways.
First off, there are over 20 million people suffering from addiction in the United States today, and although it affects your mental health there are many steps to recovery (Gardiner 24). Many people need overwhelming emotional support, and this many times come from loved ones. The way this works is because while people suffering from addiction are in a state of mind of self-destruction and their brain is telling them they can’t, they have other people telling them they can. This can often help lead to addicts getting professional help. Most have families, and when it comes down to it many have admitted even when they couldn’t help themselves they wanted to stop causing the damage to their relationships with their loved ones (Gardiner 17). Like mentioned before, many also seek professional help and go to …show more content…
Yet keep in mind the people addicted to pharmaceutical drugs that are influenced by their doctors to take them daily. Many addictions like cell phone addictions and drug/alcohol addiction are abused yet they rarely ever start off as an addiction. For one simple fact; nobody wakes up in the morning and decides to ruin their lives. Nobody wakes up in the morning and decides to become an addict because addiction is not a choice. It’s something that takes over your brain and controls the way you think; addiction is a mental health