III.5 Tissue Processing for Paraffin Embedding: Each tissue was then dehydrated in ascending grades of ethyl alcohol for 15- 30 minutes each (depending on size and type of tissue) separately:
50% alcohol → 70% alcohol → 90% alcohol → absolute alcohol I & II→ Xylene I & II (clearing agent) → Xylene and Wax (1:1 ratio) ¬→ 100% wax for 1 hours at 580C (2 changes) → Embedding in wax, blocked, labeled and stored.
III.6 Microtomy: Rotary microtome was used in order to prepare paraffin sections (5 to 10 µm thick) thickness with ribbon formation. 3-4 sections length ribbon selected at 10 section interval, floated on the hot water bath at 500 centigrade for straightening and then picked up on the egg albumin (Mayer’s albumin) coated glass slides. The slides were allowed to dry in the warm plate at 400 C for 2 hours and stored.
III.7 Staining Protocol:
Deparaffinization: Slides with paraffin section were deparaffinized in xylene for 15 minutes (2-changes). Hydration did with descending grades of alcohol for 5 minutes each as