mindset person loses confidence so they stop working hard to complete the task. The second mindset is when a person believes that working hard to achieve progress in life. This method was tested by using a computer based program in New York, where students were given an opportunity to give feedback. It reflected that having a growth mindset encourages to put effort and dedication so they learn to overcome obstacles in learning and growth. I will be discussing my fixed mindset that made me the student I was.
When I was growing up in Fiji Islands , my parents believed that they was no place to be second best in school.
They wanted us to succeed in every way in school so we can have great jobs when we grow up. They was a way we thought that made us think that we are better than everyone else and can succeed in life without trying hard. I have a older sister who I admire the most. She is so intelligent that I believed that she did not need to read, study before exams because she always came first. My parents also used encouraging words for her and that always made me believe that I also was a blessed child in elementary and high school. I did not study really hard , however , I was able to earn As and Bs. My parents used terms such as smart, intelligent which made me feel smart , however arrogant. As years when by, I was not being successful anymore and unfortunately , I decided to quit anything that seemed difficult. I did not realise that was a fixed mindset. I believed smartness, intelligence should be handed you without …show more content…
Another way I continued to follow the concept of fixed mindset was when I was in college.
I was 18 years old when I first enrolled to Modesto Junior College with over- self confidence and energy. In the beginning of the semester , I attended the classes and took notes , however since high school I was able to pass my class with As and Bs without really working hard , I assumed college will be the same. After paying international tuition and 16 units , I decided that I will go to class when I felt like it. In the middle of the semester, I was barely getting low Cs in the class and failing most of my class. I had a really bad fixed mindset because I did not want to look like I am not smart or intelligent anymore so I dropped those of my classes. The classes that I did not drop , I failed and somehow in my mind I assumed that college was not for me because I have to earn
After these two major incidents in my life , I re-evaluate my perspective in education. I wished I had realized this when I was younger and without kids. Even though I realized this that I can improve and continue my education, I need to study more. As years when by, I asked my sister how can she be so smart and completed her MBA with her CPA without studying. I still remember she looked at me and started to laugh out loud. I was amazed and furious about her reaction that I shouted at her to make me feel insecure about me. She explained that education is not handed to anyone , she made me realize how is never went out with friends or family functions and was constantly busy. I never recognised that she was always studying , however she never complained. She always said “ the brain is not a muscle , however , it acts like a muscle so made it to work. When enrolling to this class, I had made my mind up that I will get a A in the class , however , taking this class with Mrs Miranda has been wonderful experience so far. I always assumed that English professors don't like me because English is my second language. All the years of being a fixed mindset and not realizing of not be not aware of my studying habits. Carol Dweck’s article “ Brainology” has enlightened me that I know the correct verbiage of my mindset and how I will be overcoming a fixed mindset and becoming a growth mindset. I already have passed one of the hurdle I had by completing this essay.