In the past, researchers thought the reasons why men and women are different are social pressures and hormones. They also studied only male animals and male humans. However, recently, new research has revealed that the differences between men and women are caused by brain structure differences and they have effects on development of medicine. The research shows the brains of men and women have similarities and differences. This research also has implications for the development of medicine in the future.
There are many similarities and differences between the brains of men and women. First, they have similarities in brain functions. For example, parts of the frontal lobe deal with decision-making and problem-solving functions. Hippocampus is involved in short-term memory. The parietal cortex processes signals. These are facts that apply to all the brains of men and women. However, male and female brains also have differences. First of all, they have different sizes of structures. For instance, the parts of frontal lobe and hippocampus are larger in women. However, parietal cortex is larger in men. Secondly, males and females use the same part of the brains but positions which they use are different. This means if men use the left side, women will use right side of the same part. In addition, men and women remember different aspects of image. We can discover many things about the brains through experts’ research.
Differences between men and women have effects on the development of medicine for several reasons. Women experience more pain and depression than men. Men and women use different circuits to block pain and some painkillers have different effects on men and women. Serotonin, which is a brain chemical linked to depression works differently in women. This could lead to more effective treatments and better ways to prevent illness. However, developing drugs has been very expensive up to now. As a result, we should wait for new