Brand equity:- Brand equity refers to the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name Keller, Kevin Lane (2003). It is also the intangible, but real, value of words, graphics or symbols that are associated with the products or services offered by a business. In other words it is the value - both tangible and intangible, that a brand adds to a product/service.
In order to find out the way a brand flourishes, or its status, or to measure the Brand Equity the sources of the same are identified. There are some structured and unstructured methods of measuring the same. To cite an example, the qualitative research techniques often identify possible brand associations and sources of brand equity. The strength, favourability and uniqueness of a brand and its corresponding types of associations are explored to measure the brand equity. The aspects mentioned above are primarily qualitative in nature.
The qualitative measures often fail to deliver a definitive portrayal of brand equity measurement. To help marketers to come up with better confident and defensible strategic and tactical moves, quantitative tools are used to elicit the required information. The quantitative research aspects are principally used to assess the breadth and depth of brand equity, the valence of brand judgements and feelings and the extent and nature of brand relationships. These measures are the chief constituents of the studies which are conducted to track and monitor the brand knowledge structures of consumers over time.
To study and understand the same, we Group – 1 have selected following companies from different sectors – i) Nokia (Consumer durables) ii) Cadbury (FMCG) iii) SBI (Service)
Research design – Descriptive
Sampling method – Judgemental
Research tool –