|Mrs. M. Jaasmine Begum |Mrs. S .Firdouse Jahan |
|M.F.C., M.Phil.,(M.B.A.) |M.Com, M.Phil., M.B.A., PGDCA, B.Ed., (Phd) |
|Assistant Professor |HOD |
|Phone: 9790902084 |Phone: 9445247847 |
|E-mail id: jasmine786_win@yahoo.co.in |E-mail id: firu1971@gmail.com |
|Department of Business Administration |
|JBAS college for women (Autonomous) |
|Chennai-18. |
Abstract This work attempts to study the women as the consumer and their behaviour towards the purchase of the cosmetic product. Both primary and secondary data has been used. The study attempts to find out for which the women customer gives more important brand or any other factors. And finally concludes with suggestions and conclusion.
Key words: Women, behaviour, primary data, brand
Track 1 – Brand Image and other factors in consumer purchase behaviour
Introduction This is an era of competition if any company wants to sustain in the market they should know the pulses of their customers. That’s Why customers are consider as king. The behaviour of the customer is different for each and every product
References: 1. http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Asifo_Shah 2. Schiffman , L, G & Kanuk, L, l, (2004), ‘Consumer Behaviour’ New Jersey: Prentice- Hall Inc 3. Solomon, Michael R. Consumer Behaviour. New York: Prentice Hall 6th Edition, September 2003