Introduction 3
Brand positioning 3
Plan and implement marketing brands 4
Criteria 4
Tactics 4
Strategies 5
Value marketing brands 7
Improve and maintain the value of the brands 7
Conclusion 7
Literature list 8
What is brand management?
Brand management. Or literally: managing a brand. But what does it contain, brand management? How does it works and what can you accomplish with it? And most of all, why doesn’t it stops at the accomplishments? These are things that are going to be sorted out below.
Brand positioning
Brand management starts with brand positioning. The positioning of a brand is basically finding the right place in the heads of people or a market segment, where through those are going to have the right image of a brand. First you have to know what market you are focussing on, who are your biggest competitors and why your brand is different than the other similar brands. In order to know this you have seven bases to know how the market you want to implement looks like. These seven are: Behavioural; brand loyalty, advantages, amounts of using, Demographical; income, age, gender and family, Psycho graphical; opinions, attitudes, values and lifestyle, Geographical; regional or international, Nature of the product; where is it going to be used, what kind of product and what type of purchase, Purchase situation; location, who, type, and finally Demographical; compartment, amount of employees and production workers, departments amount and sales figures. So why are these seven important? Because, on the basis of those seven you can develop marketing programmes. You can divide the consumers on basis of commitment, preparedness to try, anything you want.
But with those seven you are not there yet. What about your competition? When you want to compete within a certain segment you first have to level yourself