One of the aspects of brand equity is brand positioning. AsiaTravel has not distinguished itself from other competitor in terms of products and services. The company does not have clear view of which market segmentation they want to enter and has not built a good brand image. In order to create good brand position in the market, AsiaTravel should look into market segmentation, focuses in point-of-parity (POP) and point-of-difference (POD), and brand image.
The current travel industry does not really tap into customers’ demand. Most of the airlines and travel agents compete each other in terms of price, time slot and the number of accessed cities and towns. Therefore, AsiaTravel can differentiate itself by offering packages that suit customers’ preferences by simply asking. Package is no longer fixed. Instead of sticking on one tour, AsiaTravel should guide customers on vacation tour. Secondly, market segmentation can be done to ensure each individual has the best vacation experience. There are many ways to do market segmentation, from demography, lifestyle, and to geography. (CWL Publishing Entreprises, 2009)
For AsiaTravel to have a fraction of mind share in customers, it is important of AsiaTravel to know where it wants to stand, either as price leader, quality leader or specialist (CWL Publishing Entreprises, 2009). Brands that stand in the middle of the road get run over. Since many travel agents have not realized the paramount of specialization, AsiaTravel can tap this into opportunity by being quality and specialist leader. Being specialist means the tour guide has to offer besides providing information to customers, security and basic needs. AsiaTravel can sell the country culture that is not written in the book. For instances, mingle and live with the locals. The emotional and experience they get are invaluable. Moreover, tour guide can try to develop a relationship between a group of tourists and among tourists and locals. The
Bibliography: Customer Manufacturing Group, 2006. Customer Focused Brand Positioning. CWL Publishing Entreprises, 2009. Positioning and Brand Personality.