For this reason, the new self-made Brandt line will show the current situation of the northern and southern art of the world by using updated data. One of the indicators that I decided to use is the HDI (human development index), which provides a complex measure of three dimensions of human development: a healthy life and longevity which is measured by life expectancy, being educated; measured by adult literacy and enrolment at the primary, secondary and tertiary level and having a decent standard; measured by Gross National Income (GNI)2. HDI is clearly one of the best indicators to use since it takes into account three different components inside one indicator and offers a wider view to human development. HDI is effective because it includes education; a major component of well-being and is used in the measure of economic development and quality of life, which is a key factor determining the development of a country.3 It also consists of life expectancy, a significant measure of health giving a general overview of the country’s health system.4 It’s also useful because it includes an economic factor; GNI, and it expresses the income accrued to residents of a country, including some international flows, thus, GNI is a more accurate measure of a country’s economic welfare. Consequently, HDI is useful measure of development because it includes economic and social indicators reducing any anomalies. This is why using HDI to show the level of development of a country is convenient, because it reflects on the importance of non-monetary measures of human progress. However, since it gives a broad
Bibliography: 1. No, Author . "Human Development Index (HDI) | Economics Help." Economics Help - Helping to Simplify Economics. Web. 4 May 2013. <>. 2. "Human Development Index Statistics - Countries Compared - NationMaster." NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons. Web. 19 May 2011. <>. 3. No, Author . "Development Indicators - Geography-Revision." AS and A Level Geography Revision - Geography-Revision. Web. 3 May 2013. <>. 4. "Why Infant Mortality Rate Is an Important Health Indicator?." IMR. Web. 4 May 2012. <>. 5. "Why Infant Mortality Rate Is an Important Health Indicator?." IMR. Web. 4 May 2012. < of FormBottom of FormTop of Form> 6. "Examining the Human Development Index." Indicator. Web. 6 May 2013. <>. 7. R, Adappa,. "Infant mortality in Wales."Development. Web. 4 May 2013. <>.