The main character in this film is Merida and the first step to her being a hero is the call to adventure. Merida is …show more content…
The wisps lead her to a cortege of a witch who helps her change her fate but also causes a lot of problems. She helps Merida because she can see what she needs and the lesson she needs to learn to help her in life. There is no real Guide or mentor that helps Merida with her journey, she really just knew all she needed to know from growing up. There is however a talisman that is shown in the show. The talisman in her story is a tapestry of her family. She cuts it between her mother and her and that's how all the problems start and the only way to fix it is to fix the tar and the problems between her and her mom. Speaking of her mom she is the only companion on her journey.
In a heroes journey there is a point where the hero must cross the threshold and in Merida’s case this is when she meats the witch and gets a potion from her. The guardian to the threshold is the witch herself. She doesn't want to help Merida at first but then does.
Over all you can see how this is a start to an amazing heroes journey. A hero is someone who is called by an out side force to go out and do something for the grater good of people around them. The journey changed Merida by bringing her and her mother closer together and showing her the value of family. This story apples to today's world because it shows how important a mothers bond is. All of this made me see how every story has the