Huxley believed that advancement in technology would bring people into a false reality. In fact, the more there is technological improvement, the more people are drugged into the false reality. Social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat all take people out of their own world and place them into a contrasting world. Personal assistants on our phone …show more content…
Siri is designed to adapt to the user over time, and to be able to predict what the user will say. In fact, Siri is listening all the time until the owner of the phone says, “Hey Siri”, and she turned on to listen. In Brave New World, soma is the technology that brings the residents into holiday. When Bernard and Lenina are in the savage reserve Lenina says, “I wish I had my soma… A gramme is better than a damn” (pg. 116). Lenina is aghast by the residents of the reserve from their wrinkled bodies, to their old age. Whenever “damn” is said in Lenina’s mind she repeats the phrase due to conditioning. As people crave for modern technology the residents of the World State crave soma. Linda represents the addiction toward soma, “She[Linda] took as much as twenty grammes a day… for on soma-holiday Linda was out of the way” (pg. 145). Soma takes the user into a holiday state, which is bringing the taker into a trance away from …show more content…
The science of today can create super baby's, which Huxley predicted by engineering everyone through conditioning. The debate between nature vs nurture has battled for over a century and half, as to whether genes or environment play a role in human nature. Steven Pinker a Canadian psychologist, says that genes are the reason for human behavior. Pinker reinforces his idea by talking about children, “[Anyone with a] child knows that kids come into the world with certain temperaments and talents” (Pinker, 2003). Environmental factors do not play a detrimental role in the development of children, the genes determine how the child will work. Some genes may cause children to have a bad temper, while other genes may make children behave. To edit genes was thought of as a game changer, to be able to remove unwanted traits such as the cancer gene or make people immune to every known bacteria and virus known to man. Today there is CRISPR or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat. According to Harvard University “CRISPR changed not only the way basic research is conducted, but also the way we can now think about treating diseases” (CRISPR, para 1). Humans can edit genes in other humans to remove genes that are thought as being unworthy or useless. CRISPR can be similar to Brave New World but because of ethics and regulations on changing and or