
Brave New World Caste System Analysis

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Brave New World Caste System Analysis
In Brave New World, the social caste system is similar to the educational ranks we use in the present day. In the real world, people organize themselves by the amount of education. However, in this story, the people are genetically modified to fit the world’s caste system. In the book, the people are split into five social classes; the Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. They all have been genetically modified to fit society’s needs. All the people have been taught and made to think and look alike to those in their class. They train them to not like any of the other classes. Scientists have created ways to teach them to all be the same. They all have similar personalities to those within their social class.

The lowest people in the book are those that didn’t manipulate nature, they are called Savages. Savages are the closest to real people in the whole book. In the eyes of the genetically modified people, Savages are like wild animals . “Having young ones like an animal…” (Page 127)
They think getting pregnant and birthing young is unnatural. The savages are like the Indians. They bear children and teach basic lessons but they let them choose their own destiny.

In our world, the amount of education determines one’s social class. The more education one has the more
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In Brave New World the people of the highest social class have the most education. Savages have no education, because they have been banished to outside the wall. The genetically modified people have less common sense than the Savages. The Savages can survive on their own. All the other people only know the job they were trained for when they were younger. They have adapted to all their technology. The new society has gotten rid of all forms of “silly” writing and practices. The people are being forced to not think for their own. The highest level of people are manipulating people’s minds to control

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