changes within each chapter, for example when Bernard’s helicopter came and when john was finally able to run back from the house to his hiding area, Huxley created a bit of a suspenseful mood. Although throughout the story there isn’t a certain mood. It’s more so of a mixture of mood to create the entire story. He accomplishes his mood changing by where the setting is of each thing and how he describes what’s going on. Also he does this by the word choice and vocabulary. He finds various ways to explain/show emotion by word contact and whether or not the mood is uplifting or suspenseful is done by how he creates his own mood. The mood changed various times in this story in my opinion.
changes within each chapter, for example when Bernard’s helicopter came and when john was finally able to run back from the house to his hiding area, Huxley created a bit of a suspenseful mood. Although throughout the story there isn’t a certain mood. It’s more so of a mixture of mood to create the entire story. He accomplishes his mood changing by where the setting is of each thing and how he describes what’s going on. Also he does this by the word choice and vocabulary. He finds various ways to explain/show emotion by word contact and whether or not the mood is uplifting or suspenseful is done by how he creates his own mood. The mood changed various times in this story in my opinion.