Brazil Cultural Evaluation
Brazil’s rich culture and diverse population leaves many issues with the proper approach to their national audience. Changes need to be addressed due the cultural differences. Brazil.org states that “Brazilians are one of the most varied and diverse types of people caused by the different types of nationalities that have inhabited the area over past centuries.” So as comparisons are examined we can see the massive differences between Brazilian and American culture. In America, for example, the hand shaking is a popular form of introduction and perfectly acceptable. The Brazilian women, whom are very personable and affectionate, use the kissing on the cheek as their introduction. The handshake method is still the preferred method of introduction by Brazilian men. Brazilians prefer personable relationships, so getting to know prospective business partners before conducting a meeting is common practice. They want to see if personality conflicts could impact possible long-term business relationships. They want to deal with a person not a company. These relationships could be staples to their business, so exploring the relationship for respect is big in their culture. Their custom of well dressing for dinner, or bringing gifts to the host shows the importance you …show more content…
place upon the relationship by following a few small but important cultural customs.
Timely slow paced and personable relationships are viewed as key points to completing business in Brazil. Personal hygiene such as pressed suits, clean and manicured fingernails, and hair that cut properly are attributes of what all Brazilians, men a women both, look for in corporate business partners.
My personal approach would to respect the all parts of Brazilian culture.
It would change how the presentations I present would be conducted while in Brazil. They love the professional and personal approach to business. The one-on-one approach during introductions is necessary to carry over to the boardroom. They want to see energy and drive along with the presenter’s passion. The Brazilian audience and its culture place importance on the human relationship. This allows for a very personal relationship to be formed with the audience. The relaxation feeling is formed as well with the relationship since respect for the culture is
Respect of consideration for any culture starts with studying other culture first before doing business. By being an individual first to a Brazilian business operation, I’m representing myself which shows respect to their culture. I don’t want to show them I only want their time to make my company successful, I’m interested is partnership that is prosperous for both parties involved.
Business in Brazil. (2014). Retrieved from worldbusinessculture.com: http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Business-in-Brazil.html
Brazil Culture. (2014). Retrieved from brazil.org: http://www.brazil.org.za/brazil-culture.html#.Urdg5vRDvpU